AdjoubeiScottWhitbyStudio is an urban design and creative consultancy, operating within, and outside, the conventional bounds architecture and urbanism. Founded in 2012 by Xenia Adjoubei and Alex Scott-Whitby, the Studio collaborates with a diverse set of clients and is the international branch of ScottWhitbyStudio
current projects
AofAI is a Design Think Tank focussing on the role architects and urbanists can play in designing the envelopes and networks of future computation. What if our professional input became foundational, at this pivotal moment of technological transformation? Join us to find out.
Field uses grass as a material for engagement and proposition of inclusive ecologies, post-oil materials, colonial critique and resilient urbanism. In collaboration with Supermrin, Jessica Fertonani Cooke, Jil Berenblum and Ane Gonzalez Lara.
The Waterfront Alliance and ASWStudio are currently mapping how rising sea levels, future storm surges and extreme rainfall events may impact socially vulnerable populations in the tristate area. In collaboration with Christina Bierring, Independent Consultant to the UN & Waterfront Alliance.
Extractivism and Ecosystem: Toolkit for Complex Contexts, 2021. Prototype of a split-screen dashboard for analysis and 3D representation, to drive solutions for large territorial planning and development. We retrofitted software to fuse a data sharing 3D representation with live research. In collaboration with Alejandro Haiek.
Project lead on ecosystem services and nature-based solutions on this winning masterplan proposal for Almetyevsk, Tatarstan. An urban oil extraction context became an opportunity to use ecosystem services to remediate the landscape and transform it into a wetland park and cultural heart of the city. PL: Mary Tyulkanova, in collaboration with IQ, Graeme Massie, AECOM.
New Methods in Analysis and Design for Migration, where we use large-scale section drawings and models to show the full length of the Venezuelan-Colombian frontier, migrant journeys and their informal economics, and life in an arrival city in Colombia in its political complexity. As part of the project Sol y Sombra in collaboration with Global Free Unit and Alejandro Haiek.
Research into The New Rural condition, 3D territorial modeling and autonomous development strategy for 650 hectare rural Art park and eco-tourism hub in the Ugra National Park, Russia. Including 120 seater cafe and visitor infrastructure masterplan, built collectively with local craftsmen using local materials and construction techniques. In collaboration with Artel Nikola-Lenivets.
Who We Are
  • Xenia Adjoubei
    Xenia is an urban designer and researcher, she specialises in areas of emerging tech, climate justice, post-automation futures and is Lead Researcher in the Global Free Unit, a network for education through live projects in contexts of rapid economic and political change. She teaches on the MS in Urban Design programme at the Pratt Institute, New York, and is Fellow of the Inclusive Ecologies Incubator.
  • Alexander Scott-Whitby
    Alex is founding director of ScottWhitbyStudio, an award winning architecture and urban design practice based in the London, having most recently been honoured with the prestigious MacEwan Award for architecture for the common good. He is Professor of Architecture at Kingston University, London.
  • Augusta Fišerytė
    Senior Urban Researcher
    Augusta is an urban designer and researcher, having completed her degree in architecture at Cardiff University, she is finishing her specialisation in Geospatial design and research at Delft University.
    Previously, Augusta led the Experiments Platform at the Architektūros fondas Lithuanian National Centre for Architecture.
Portfolio & Completed Projects
New York | London
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