1. MACRO : Map AI infrastructure on a planetary scale
We will map networks of power, jurisdiction, financing, extraction, and material assembly, including, but not limited to, undersea cabling, major data center locations, and other concentrations of AI infrastructure. This includes identifying where these systems are visible and where they are governed from. How they organize planetary space, and whether this organization intentional.
2. GEO : Investigate axes of power and governance of AI
We will investigate and visualize how the asymmetrical distribution of data centers and computational systems counter or reinforce the political and economic hegemony of past colonial structures.
3. TERRA : Show environmental entanglement
As AI proliferates, what are the ecological consequences? We will model how resource extraction and energy consumption support AI and propose how these systems can be reconfigured within planetary limits.
4. LOCI : Design the data center as common ground
We will rethink the typology of data centers beyond the pragmatic and test whether these infrastructures can be reimagined as civic architectures, landscapes of ecological repair, cultural exchange, or aesthetic innovation.
5. SIGNA : Model cosmology of AI
We will endeavor to represent, through image, text and ritual, how AI is impacting human cultures, opening a discourse on how AI may assimilate, transform, or fracture systems of knowledge embedded in places and traditions. We will enact and subvert the tensions between algorithmic universality and the preservation of vernacular, indigenous, and situated epistemologies.